Thursday, November 17, 2011


Hello? Blog? Is this really you?  My, how it’s been a long time. Actually I’m starting to feel that way with a lot of things. But guess what? I’m ok with that. I’m sure if I looked back at my older posts, at least 40% of them start with something like “I know it’s been awhile since I last wrote but….” followed by some horrible excuse for not blogging as if the world won’t turn without my most recent post.  No excuses this time. Don’t get me wrong, I totally miss the writing and drawing.

Some other things it’s been a while for? Wasting time on numerous, well…time wasters.  Like facebook. Like drama. Like feeling gloomy.


Last major spurt of blogging evolved around moving. Downsizing our lives and living for just the two of us.  A smart, yet very unfulfilling idea.  Life just hasn’t been quite right for some time. On paper, everything was great. Perhaps life was just derailed momentarily. 

Well folks, the train is back on track…
In the last three months we have sold and bought a new home.  One that is outside of city limits; therefore putting an end to any leash laws, barking complaints, and animal at large tickets.   A pasture for the horses, so no more midnight jaunts for the rebels.  And for us? More legroom.

Brent was promoted (twice) and is now the supervisor for a crew working out at the mines as a subcontracted company. It’s the perfect hours, perfect everything.  He’s worked so hard for everything he’s accomplished, and I couldn’t be more proud.  And on his down time, he’s still fighting fires!

 I’m still am EMT (and loving it), and a teacher (loving that even more)

I teach preschool (4-5 year olds). And I’m pretty sure I have the best job in the entire world. It’s always been my intended career path to be a teacher. My intentions were to raise children until they were school age and start my career. But then I got thinking I might want to test the waters before I dove head first without an alternative route.  And now ladies and gents, I have a class of 22 Marvelous Monsters (our class name). Some days we’re more marvelous than we are monsters. And some days we're more monsters than we are marvelous.  But every day I can count on waking up excited to go to school, teach my kids all day, come home to the most amazing husband and not stop laughing from dusk till dawn.

It’s a lot harder to unpack with a full time job, but in between class and ambulance calls I empty a few boxes. So what if dinner was served on paper plates for a while, and our shoes were never in pairs. This house is already more of a home than anywhere we’ve lived, and to finally say life is perfect feels so good.

September- Rendezvous. Mom and Pop came up. Got a new Indian dress. Spent the last days of summer riding horses.  Started teaching. Brent’s promotion.

October- Bought the home and started the packing process towards the end of the month.  Had fire protection week at school and thus started the “Mr. Brentthefirefighter is the coolest person ever” craze in my class. Now they can’t live without him. Halloween was fantastic because it was spent with the youngsters who all dressed up in the coolest of costumes. I did too….as Pippy Longstockings.  It was phenomenal.

November- Moved in.  Celebrated a month of Thanksgiving.  Found out the wind is a lot stronger way out yonder.  Especially when you have zero landscaping….and now no roof to your porch.  Went to Florida for a national teacher’s conference. That’s right…Florida….in November…while it was 18 degrees in Wyoming. Boo Ya. Now we’re getting ready for the Holidays. 

I said it once, and I’ll say it again….for the things that really matter in life…LIFE IS PERFECT. 

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